August 01, 2019

Beyoncé's crash diet plan - "impossible, damaging ideal, a lie"

Beyoncé is now selling the diet she followed to prepare for her 2018 Coachella set - for $14 a month, or $99 a year, all this can be yours. Except it can’t, because Beyoncé is selling a lie, the Guardian writes about Beyoncé's latest venture. Why is it to impossible? "The performance of physical perfection is part of her job, and she has an expensive team of trainers, chefs and nannies to help her achieve it that isn’t included in the subscription fee". What disturbed the Guardian journalist the most - Beyoncé "profiting from the tools of crash dieting suggests a woman grossly out of touch: exploiting impressionable fans by hawking them an unmatchable ideal, a move at odds with our contemporary insistence on body positivity – an ethos she has also stoked – and the evils of diet culture".