Rachel Z about love on the road: Many musicians have blown up our lives with these behaviors

Photographer Lucía Nimcová began traveling to the Ukrainian side of the Carpathian mountains in 2014 with the sound artist Sholto Dobie, where they documented potka (vagina songs), a raunchy subgenre containing coded language with which women could communicate secretly in the presence of men. Tone Glow talked to the artist.
The 70-minute documentary 'Malfunction: The Dressing Down of Janet Jackson', directed by Jodi Gomes, paints a portrait both of Jackson’s remarkable career prior to that moment, as well as the cultural forces which made one “wardrobe malfunction” into a lighting bolt of controversy. "I think one of the running themes of the whole entire film is body image and the use of body image and the actual control of one’s agency and control of one’s image" - director Jodi Gomes says to Consequence. She sees a big irony in it too: "Showing how she’s been subjected to body imaging from a very young age, and then all of a sudden, flash forward 34 years later to when she’s on the Super Bowl stage, and that very thing is used against her".
History of Yesterday remembers the notoriety of the classic music genius: "Beethoven famously chopped the legs off of his piano to feel the notes from the floor vibrations. When that stopped working, he attached a metal rod to the piano. While composing, he bit the rod to feel the notes... When aristocrats attended his performance and talked in the crowd, he would stop playing, turn, and stare at them from his bench, his eyes cutting lasers out into the crowd. There would be painful silence until he’d resume".
Salon's Bernadette Barton joins the discussion about Britney Spears "exploring the gender inequality trapping Britney. In particular, I examine Britney Spears's story in light of the pornification of society over the past three decades. Pornification, the sexualization of culture also referred to as raunch culture, socializes women and girls to believe (and boys and men too) that a key element of female identity is looking 'hot' like a porn star or stripper. Pornification sells itself to girls and women using the rhetoric of sex positivity and empowerment. 'Look how free you are to express your inner porn star and be sexy.' This narrative falsely equates commodified sexualization with freedom, and devolves the language of sex positivity from an ecosystem of consent, pleasure, safety, and respect into the single expectation that women present themselves as sexual objects first and foremost".
Rock N' Heavy goes into the lyrics of "them good boys" The Beatles, who were, well, not that good all the time. Even in their early songs, like 'Please Please Me' with a direct suggestion of oral sex:
"Last night I said these words to my girl
I know you never even try, girl
C’mon (C’mon), please please me oh yeah, like I please you".
There's Madonna, Beyonce and Britney Spears on Rolling Stone's list of 30 sexiest videos of all times, yet the number 1 spot is being taken by Chris Isaac's 'Wicked Game' because "the smoldering passion exhibited by Isaak and Christensen had a vulnerability about it that still makes the video’s simple concept eye-popping decades later".
A hilarious article by Tracy Clark-Flory for Jezebel about men displaying their power with air-sex: "When I think of stage humping, I think of a man thrusting against the floor in a modified pushup, an enactment of missionary screwing that presupposes a very long, and soon to be broken, dick... Recently, I came across similar moves on TikTok and was reminded, once again, of men making love to the floor. And I thought: From whence the floor grind? It was time to investigate this important topic".
Cardi B took to social media to fire back at trolls criticizing her for not letting her two-year-old daughter Kulture listen to 'WAP', which all started when certain Twitter users responded to a viral video of the rapper turning her No. 1 hit off when the toddler entered the room. "So ya daughter cant listen to it but everybody else’s daughter can?" one wrote. Cardi B answered - "I don’t make music for kids I make music for adults. Parents are responsible on what their children listen too or see…I’m a very sexual person but not around my child just like every other parent should be", ET Canada reports.
A funny little interview with Toni Braxton in the Guardian, about her religious upbringing, her being discovered at a gas station, and her regrets: "I regret not having more sex when I was younger. I should have drank more. I should have partied more. Smoked more, even. I think my religious upbringing stopped me doing a lot of things that I should have done. It’s not a good look at the age I am now. The way it works is you do that stuff in your 20s and 30s and then in your 40s you’ve earned enough to pay for the therapy".
Okay Player wrote a short history of sex talk by black women in hip-hop, starting with Salt-N-Pepa, Lil’ Kim, Foxy Brown, Missy Elliott, and Trina, going to contemporaries like Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. "Their ministry is for those who want to hear their words, which often incites a camaraderie between free-loving ride-or-dies shaking their asses on one another while rapping along in electrifying praise".
Danish pop star Jada released a new song 'Nudes' accompanied by a video in which she recruited dozens of people - women and men - to share intimate and revealing videos of themselves. So, a lot of nudes, but all of them subtle, nothing over the top. Jada told Fader it's "about that strength and liberation that comes with expressing your most shameful feelings".
Heavy metal fans are the mostly likely of any genre to have had a sexual experience in a car, according to a survey by TickPick about music habits while in automobiles. 75 percent of heavy metal listeners have experienced a sexual encounter in a vehicle, as opposed to 65 percent of all respondents, and ahead of fans of oldies music, hip-hop, rap and R&B/soul. Music of choice for car-sex - R&B and soul in over 27 percent of the time, metal 12.6 percent.
"When it comes to making records promiscuity has become a talent-killer. That’s why Kanye was right to ban anyone working on his album from having pre-marital sex during the recording period of ‘Jesus Is King’ – not for ridiculously pious religious reasons but to stop the music being smug, bland and self-satisfied" - Mark, My […]
Behemoth frontman Nergal, not an easy person to surprise, was blown away by what went down during band's set at Roskilde Festival over the weekend in Denmark. Nergal shared video on Instagram of festival crowd at Behemoth show, showing a couple that has engaged in oral sex for a “good 5-10 minutes”, whit the guy […]
After decades of closeted artists and coded lyrics, a new generation of gender and sexually-fluid pop stars are challenging stereotypes and celebrating their identity through music. In the last few years, artists like Miley Cyrus, Janelle Monae, Ariana Grande, Anne-Marie, Troye Sivan, Harry Styles, Christine and the Queens and Demi Lovato have all talked about […]
More than a third of festival-goers have sex while in attendance and half of all attendees are willing to have sex while there - an interesting information people at TickPick found out after talking to 1.000 people. It differs from one festival to another - 30 percent of Electric Forest attendees had sex while at the […]