Rachel Z about love on the road: Many musicians have blown up our lives with these behaviors

"The message you're getting from the guys in the band is that they don't want to be engaged. They don't want to be married. They never want to be married, or if they are married, they might not want to be faithful" - jazz pianist Rachel Z says in an interview about love and sex on the road - "There's lots of rock stars that literally live that lifestyle, and sleep with two supermodels every night or three or four, and whatever party they're having is great. Many musicians have blown up our lives with these behaviors." She also goes into the position of women in jazz in particular: "The truth is, things have changed a tiny bit for younger women artists. But what I’ve felt lately is, now that we have many younger beautiful women artists, we can replace the older women, rather than building and promoting a female jazz lineage". Rachel Z also believes that women in jazz will thrive "if we uphold recognition and respect for the lineage of accomplished women musicians, along with owning our personal power".