Musicians hold worldwide protests outside Spotify offices

The Union of Musicians and Allied Workers organized protests outside Spotify’s offices in 31 cities in the US and Canada, South America, Australia, Europe, and Asia on Monday, Clash Magazine reports. The peaceful demonstrations were meant to draw attention to the “Justice at Spotify” list of demands, which includes paying artists one cent per stream (Spotify currently pays some artists as little as $0.0038 per stream, which is among the lowest rates of any platform), plus transparent contracts, a more user-centric payment model, an end to payola, a switch to crediting all labor in recordings, and an end to legal battles against artists which serve to “further impoverish artists”.
Marching in NYC for #JusticeAtSpotify thank you @MusicWorkers for co-sponsoring and providing the soundtrack
— Union of Musicians and Allied Workers (@UMAW_) March 15, 2021