Producer of 'Rockabye Baby!' lullaby covers of pop music: I’ve yet to hear anything angry or nasty

"They’re one of the most important, influential, revolutionary hip hop groups of all time. They’re cross generational, and definitely get a big response when you say their name" a former nutritionist Lisa Roth told Variety about her 100th release - lullaby renditions of Wu-Tang Clan (out today). So far they've released lullaby covers of, obviously, 99 acts - Radiohead, Metallica, Elton John, Tool, The Beatles, AC/DC, Elvis Presley... - and the artists loved those - "Steven Tyler wrote liner notes to Aerosmith’s lullabies. Joe Elliot contributed liner notes to Def Leppard’s lullabies. Elton John has been nice to us, mentioning us in the press many times. Kirk Hammett from Metallica likes us. I’ve yet to hear anything angry or nasty", Roth says.