Not being paranoid
February 05, 2020
Ozzy Osbourne: Tony Iommi intimidates the fuck out of me

“Geezer’s [Butler] a great, great lyricist. [And as a bassist], nobody can touch him. Bill [Ward], in his day, was a great drummer. Tony [Iommi], he’s always gonna be the greatest, no one can touch him" - Ozzy Osbourne spoke about his career on Rick Rubin’s Broken Record podcast. “People will say to me, ‘Why did you always sing on the side of the stage?’ I don’t fucking know. I don’t know", Osbourne said. "It’s just fear, I suppose. ‘Cause Tony, he’s one of the few people who could walk into this room right now and I would fucking feel intimidated. He intimidates the fuck out of me — and he knows it”. Listen to the podcast - here.