"Gec 2 Ü
January 15, 2020

100 gecs - silly, uncanny, full of adrenaline, and blithe about mainstream trends

The New Yorker wrote an excellent and accurate article about 100 gecs, the experimental pop duo, expected to make it big (or least bigger than they are now). Last year they published an album '1000 Gecs' where they display "a fondness for unfashionable genres - electroclash, pop-punk, emo rap, dubstep, trance, industrial rock and dance, drum ’n’ bass, death metal, chiptune, and even polka". But, they aren't a product of nostalgia, as much as "of nihilism, an impressively concise maximalist exercise with no rules. It does not capture specific eras so much as it celebrates a history of musical idiosyncrasies". Up to the point and a witty read...