Big Thief release second album in five months - prove 2019 is their year

Big Thief this week release new album 'Two Hands', five months after their latest, 'U.F.O.F.', the latest being an "earth twin" to the older one's "celestial" spirit. 'U.F.O.F' was recorded in Washington State's dewy forests, as multi-layered, highly constructed studio work, and 'Two Hands' was recorded almost entirely live in the harsh, decaying desert of El Paso. PopMatters says the latter is "warmer, sweatier, and more direct", but "arguing which record between this and 'U.F.O.F.' is better is pointless. They are two sides of the same sovereign coin, all it proves is 2019 is Big Thief's year". The Skinny have put it this way: "Two hands don't have to belong to the same person as much as they need to be working towards a single purpose. This record documents the truth of that philosophy".