Glastonbury stars give away clothes for charity

Billie Eilish, Lewis Capaldi and Sheryl Crow are among the Glastonbury stars to give T-shirt to Oxfam in support of a campaign against "throwaway fashion", and with the aim of encouraging fans to buy second-hand fashion. The Cure's frontman Robert Smith gave a Disintegration Era shirt, worn in 1989, Kylie Minogue donated a sun visor, Johnny Marr gave a shirt, the Lumineers handed over a pair of wellies and Tame Impala gave a waterproof. Oxfam said: "Every week, 11 million items of clothing end up in landfill". The artists' clothes will be available to win or buy on Oxfam's online shop until September, Sky reports. Another improvement for the environment that happened at this year's Glastonbury is festival-goers taking their tents. In previous years they would usually leave those on site, but this year “99.3% of all tents were taken home”, organizer Michael Eavis said on Instagram. Good weather was certainly an issue here, since it's much easier and cleaner to collect tents during sunny weather, but the Association of Independent Festivals made a plea this spring urging fans to reuse tents. Yet another Glasto's eco-win - at this year’s festival, there was a plastic-free system in place, meaning no single-use plastic could be bought on site. Euro-news investigates how successful this policy really was.