Photo: Casey Peters

"The apocalypse may be looming over us, like a drooling Homer over a box of donuts, but that’s no reason to lose all hope. Some hope, but not all hope" - Head Ned of the metal band Okilly Dokilly, inspired by The Simpsons character Ned Flanders, has said announcing their US tour and a new single. The rest of the band are - Bed Ned, Shred Ned, Dread Ned, Zed Ned. "We’re exci-diddly-ited to announce the ‘When the Comet Gets Here Tour’. So grab your green sweater and what remaining hope you have left and come rage with us Neds. End times are always better as Ned times” - Head Ned has said, as Consequence of Sound reports. They might be kidding, but they take their metal seriously, death-metal style, more or less.