Blaccmass is an up-and-coming Atlanta producer who is going viral for blending drill beats with classic songs from artists like Michael Jackson, Nirvana, Earth, Wind & Fire and even classic musicians like Beethoven, Complex reports. Blaccmass credits the success of the mashup to an inherent element of surprise. People don’t expect Maurice White’s iconic vocals to pair so well with the haunting, gliding bass that anchors most drill beats.

SoundCloud producer DJ Skarface has shared ‘Rage The Jewels’, a mash-up mix that pairs Run The Jewels instrumentals with De La Rocha’s RATM vocals. RTJ's El-P gave his approval to the project on Twitter as he tweeted “oh shit” while sharing a link to Skarface’s SoundCloud mix. Skarface has made a version of ‘Rage The Jewels’ with separated tracks available for free on Bandcamp. A name-your-price download option is also available, with proceeds from the downloads going to the National Lawyers Guild.

The grey area - gone
February 28, 2020

Danger Mouse's 'Grey Album' - impossible today

Danger Mouse

16 years ago - in a more innocent, less litigious, and more freewheeling time - Danger Mouse made a sensation with his 'Grey Album' that combined music from The Beatles' 'White Album' and Jay-Z's vocals from his 'Black Album'. Rolling Stones is wondering would we get to hear such an experiment now? The answer is - probably not! Far more so than in the post-Napster days of 2004, the music business is on edge about copyright infringement. If anyone had the notion of creating something akin to 'The Grey Album now', those thoughts would be quickly extinguished, considered not worth the risk and cost.