Courtney Love: Why are women so marginalised by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?

A great read in Guardian by singer, musician, and frontwoman Courtney Love about "sexist gatekeeping... purposeful ignorance and hostility" of Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: "If so few women are being inducted into the Rock Hall, then the nominating committee is broken. If so few Black artists, so few women of colour, are being inducted, then the voting process needs to be overhauled. Music is a lifeforce that is constantly evolving – and they can’t keep up... If the Rock Hall is not willing to look at the ways it is replicating the violence of structural racism and sexism that artists face in the music industry, if it cannot properly honour what visionary women artists have created, innovated, revolutionised and contributed to popular music – well, then let it go to hell in a handbag".