Hey little sister, what have you done?!
March 04, 2021
Mariah Carey's brother sues her over emotional distress caused by her memoir

Morgan Carey is suing his younger sister Mariah Carey star for defamation and emotional distress caused by her recent memoir 'The Meaning Of Mariah Carey', USA Today reports. Singer's older brother says the book falsely suggests he was violent, saying that as a result, he has suffered "extreme mental anguish" and "serious damage to his reputation". Last month Mariah Carey's sister Alison Carey sued her for $1.25m over the memoir - there are passages claiming that Alison Carey gave Valium to 12-year-old Mariah, tried to pimp her out and threw boiling tea on her were "outrageous" and meant to "humiliate and embarrass" her.