Jimi Hendrix's brother and niece told to cut all ties with the late guitarist's name

Jimi Hendrix’s brother Leon Hendrix and niece Tina Hendrix have been ordered by a court to recall and destroy all apparel and merchandise bearing any Jimi Hendrix name, and to change the name of their tuition-free Hendrix Music Academy school, Billboard reports. Tina Hendrix said - “I am astonished that the courts have ... stripped us from our rights to use our own family surname after a lifetime of doing so". Experience Hendrix and Authentic Hendrix, created by Jimi Hendrix's father Al and cousin Bob, own all the rights to the guitarist's image and music. However, it is Tina Hendrix's attitude that they "gained the Hendrix name by virtue of adoption and has used it ever since, only to exploit millions of dollars off of Jimi Hendrix’s music, while using the proceeds to eliminate Jimi’s biological family members one by one, starting with Jimi’s own son, then Jimi’s brother and now his niece. I have never made one dollar off of my uncle while running a free music school for kids". The courts have sided with Experience and Authentic so far.