19 pieces of advice about running a label

There are 19 things Brassland label co-founder Alec Hanley would tell people contemplating starting a record label, after running Brassland for 19 years. The Creative Independent shared these:
1. It’s hard, don’t do it
2. Be against perfectionism
3. Neither drugs nor money will help in the long run
4. Consume more than you produce
5. Be early or be late: the middle is a drag
6. Musicians are people - respect them
7. Success is not the enemy
8. Take the long view
9. Art is a political act
10. The music industry is built on talented people
11. Contracts are good
12. Banking and accounting is part of your business
13. Develop a strong second sense for spotting assholes
14. The most terrifying 9 words in the English language are: “I am a businessperson and I’m here to help”
15. Genre does not exist
16. Define success your own way
17. This is not forever
18. Traditionally music is a young person’s game; aspire to change this
19. Many of your ‘indie’ peers will be backed by enigmatic sources of wealth