April 15, 2020

Why do people listen to bad music while jogging?!

An amusing article in the Vice about how joggers prefer bad music while running - a landmark example coming from Haile Gebrselassie, the Ethiopian runner who broke the 10,000 meter record while 'Scatman' was playing. "Music you can easily synchronize with is also beneficial to quite some people - it can help you to maintain a steady pace, which is beneficial, but it also has a sort of psychological effect of feeling as if you are supported by the music in a way" - dr. Edith Van Dyck, a musicologist, explains the science behind this. Dr. Jasmin C. Hutchinson, who studied music's effect on running, also said that "beat perception is a pretty low order brain function", and the brain's bandwidth is being used up by the act of running, possibly unable to process double entendres or themes self-actualization.