Rage Against the Machine fighting the ticket scalpers

The reunited Rage Against the Machine have announced that they’re doing what they can to keep scalpers and broker sites from ripping their fans over tickets for their reunion tour, Blabbermouth reports. RATM say that "at many concerts, up to 50% of the seating is scooped up by scalpers and then resold to fans at much higher fees" (some tickets were already being sold for $400), so they decided to do "everything we can to protect 90% of the RATM tickets from scalpers”, adding "WE are holding in reserve 10% of the seating (random seats throughout each venue) to sell at a higher ticket price (but low enough to undercut the scalpers)”. They will be donating “100% OF THE MONEY over the fees and base ticket price to charities and activist organizations IN EACH CITY”, and they also plan to donate the profits from their first three concerts to immigrants’ rights organizations.