Hello Eminem my old friend
January 17, 2020

Eminem surprise-released new album, announced it with a strong anti-gun video

Today at midnight Eminem surprise-released his 11th studio album 'Music to be Murdered By', and the first video from it is a very dark song 'Darkness', about mass shootings. It shows a loner in a hotel room who turns to tablets and booze, before he takes a gun and starts shooting at people - a direct remake of the night in 2017 when Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd of music fans in Las Vegas, taking 58 lives (not including his own). Video wraps up with a compilation of news items from mass shootings in the USA, being shown on TV-screens assembled in the geographical shape of the US. The leitmotif through the song is the piano riff and opening lyrics from 'The Sound of Silence' - "Hello darkness my old friend". Watch the video below.