January 06, 2020

Joy Crookes: I'm massively over-thinking everything

The 21-year-old singer is recording her first album and it makes her "want to crap myself", as she says the BBC. "I'm like, 'Why am I stressed every day, I should be excited about this? But why should I be excited when this is nerve-wracking?'. I'm massively over-thinking everything", she explained. Joy Crookes is BBC's Sound of 2020, a selection of musicians to expected gain success this year (she's No. 4, No. 5 is Inhaler, indie-rockers with Bono's son Eli Hewson as frontman). She sings about personal issues and - London: "The beauty of London is that it wouldn't be London without all the immigration, and the mix of cultures and colours and the smells and the stories it contains... I learned so many mannerisms and different forms of respect and stories and myths and legends from all these places".