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December 13, 2019

When metalheads and experimental rockers make a lullaby

Experimental metal band Wrekmeister Harmonies has Swans’ Thor Harris and Xiu Xiu mastermind Jamie Stewart featuring on their new album ‘We Love to Look at the Carnage’, out February 21. Experimental metal band Wrekmeister Harmonies has Swans’ Thor Harris and Xiu Xiu mastermind Jamie Stewart featuring on their new album ‘We Love to Look at the Carnage’, out February 21. Experimental metal band Wrekmeister Harmonies has Swans’ Thor Harris and Xiu Xiu mastermind Jamie Stewart featuring on their new album ‘We Love to Look at the Carnage’, out February 21. Experimental metal band Wrekmeister Harmonies has Swans’ Thor Harris and Xiu Xiu mastermind Jamie Stewart featuring on their new album ‘We Love to Look at the Carnage’, out February 21.

Experimental metal band Wrekmeister Harmonies has Swans’ Thor Harris and Xiu Xiu mastermind Jamie Stewart featuring on their new album ‘We Love to Look at the Carnage’, out February 21.

Experimental metal band Wrekmeister Harmonies has Swans’ Thor Harris and Xiu Xiu mastermind Jamie Stewart featuring on their new album ‘We Love to Look at the Carnage’, out February 21.