November 28, 2019

Moroccan court sends rapper Gnawi to prison for a year - he called out police and the king in a song

Moroccan rapper Gnawi was handed a one-year prison sentence Monday by a judge for insulting the police and the king in an unusually outspoken video exposing their country's problems with migration and drugs, Reuters reports. Moroccan authorities have said Gnawi's arrest was prompted by an earlier video in which he insulted the police, a crime punishable by up to two years in prison. Most shockingly to many Moroccans, the song also directly criticizes Morocco's king and his adviser, a criminal offense. The video was released with rappers Lz3er and Weld L'Griya for a song '3acha cha3b' ('Long Live the People'). Released Oct. 29, it immediately went viral, and now has more than 15.5 million hits on YouTube.