Tricky: My music can’t be that dark to get people through a dark period, can it?

“I’ve a kinship with women. That’s why I’ve always put women in strong positions in music” - Tricky tells in a Guardian interview about his new autobiography, 'Hell Is Round the Corner', out October 31, where he remembers his fans telling him how his music had helped them through dark periods in life. Bit part of conversation is about his daughter Mazy, who died this year - “One of the biggest problems with my daughter is that I’ve never loved anybody that much before. I was there at her birth. And all of a sudden I started feeling things. And it was too much for me. Because I was emotionally numb, and it was easier for me to get through life being emotionally numb, but then suddenly I was feeling things”. Now that she's gone everything looks different, even music doesn’t sound the same. I feel like I’m losing my mind".