September 08, 2019
Mark, my Words: Devil's musical goal has always been to turn the world’s young into listless, hopeless, led-by-the-nose wretches

Lucien Greaves, co-founder of The Satanic Temple, recently listed his favourite devilish songs for NME - Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, Iron Maiden... - and of course Mark Beaumont had to react: "The devil’s music is far more insidious... It’s the pleasing four-note trumpet fanfare you hear when paying ten quid for an ‘exclusive’ in-game plough, the sound of all of your personal data magically transporting itself into a Moscow basement.... A washed-up noughties indie band re-recording an old Britpop song just differently enough that a payday loan company charging 25,000 per cent an hour will be allowed to use it in an advert full of cute old-people puppets".