Metallica donated 250,000 euros to Romanian hospital

Metallica has donated €250,000 to support the construction of Romania’s first pediatric oncology hospital. Band made the donation ahead of their sold-out show Wednesday in Romania’s National Arena, Billboard reports. In other Metallica related news, Tom G. Warrior, Celtic Frost frontman said he wasn't happy at all with how Kirk Hammett and Rob Trujillo covered his song 'The Usurper' back in May at a show in Switzerland (watch it here). "They butchered it, and it was humiliating. Why don’t they leave their millionaire fingers off it?", he said in a Rolling Stone interview. "They’ve long lost the ability to play true metal in my opinion. Maybe I should go onstage and do a really miserable version of [Metallica’s] ‘Hit the Lights’ with, like, 200 mistakes to set the balance”.