July 29, 2019

RS: Woodstock 99 was one of rock'n'roll deaths

An interesting point made by Rolling Stone about Woodstock 99, and in a good moment since Woodstock 19 had died, it seems, before even being born: "It was, in all, a weird pre-echo of the future, maybe: hot and dry and violent and desperate. It hinted at the WTO riots that November, and a century of unrest to come. Some of the same kids who said “fuck it” and burned it all down no doubt said the same and pulled the lever for an obvious con man 17 years later. The “garden” of Woodstock ’99 was actually a hideous decommissioned Air Force Base baking in the heat – it also turned out to be a SuperFund site. The Woodstock dream proved itself to be nonsense; in this still relatively new century, the country that spawned it is still grappling with the rest of its delusions".