June 20, 2019

New movie 'Yesterday' - what would world look like without the Beatles

Award-winning writer/director team of Richard Curtis and Danny Boyle made a new movie 'Yesterday', with an interesting catch - nobody knows anything about the Beatles. The movie premiered on Tuesday, it stars former EastEnders actor Himesh Patel as a struggling singer-songwriter, as his character Jack Malik wakes up after an accident caused by a global power outage to a world that has forgotten all about the Beatles (except for him). So he takes the Beatles back catalogue and claims it as his own work on a helter skelter ride to fast fame, with his childhood friend Lily James witnessing how fame takes hold. BBC talked to Curtis, Boyle, Malik and James which band they would erase from history (the Clash, Psy...), with Guardian's writers discussing, on a more serious note, how would music, and even world, be different without the influence of the Beatles. Critics don't really like it much.