May 16, 2019

Black Peaches' Rob Smoughton: Music should make us feel free

"The past 50 years or so have seen such an explosion in musical development that anything starts to sound retrogressive after a couple of years. What I try to do to avoid re-treading old ground is to create music that does something interesting with the form: to push and pull the verse structure, the time signatures and the combination of instruments, to move far enough away from what’s considered ‘normal’, but to still honour an understanding of popular music” Rob Smoughton of Black Peaches says in an interview with the Quietus about band's new album 'Fire In The Hole'. He describes how he likes long songs - “Imagine if Brian Wilson wrote ‘Heroes and Villains’ now! Would Freddie Mercury be told to trim down ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’? ‘Do we really need the second ‘scaramouche’…?’”.